Share your stories about equality and diversity in Aberdeenshire
This week we have launched a survey to help us develop equality outcomes at Aberdeenshire Council. Our equality outcomes set out how we intend to eliminate discrimination and make a difference for our residents, specifically those with protected characteristics, such as disability or age.
As part of this project, we would love to hear your stories about equality and diversity in Aberdeenshire. We want to share and capture stories from across Aberdeenshire to promote the good things that are happening and help understand the lived experiences of people, groups, and communities. If you have a story to share, you can tell us about it here: Developing Aberdeenshire Council Equality Outcomes 2025-2029 | Engage Aberdeenshire
We would also really appreciate your thoughts about equality and diversity in Aberdeenshire, by taking part in our survey: Developing Aberdeenshire Council Equality Outcomes 2025-2029 | Engage Aberdeenshire The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you again for getting involved with Aberdeenshire Decides!