What is Aberdeenshire Decides?
Aberdeenshire Decides is where we share details about any engagement activities that are taking place across Aberdeenshire. This could be a survey, information about a public event, or a quick poll - anything that helps us get feedback from residents so we can make informed decisions.
The aim is to reach as many people across Aberdeenshire as possible.
Do I need to subscribe?
No, there is no requirement to subscribe to the page. However, we are encouraging people to subscribe using an email address only so we can keep you up to date about any events or projects taking place.
How do I unsubscribe?
Simply click on unsubscribe at the bottom of the email you received from us. If you have any difficulties please email us at engage@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Is there any commitment to get involved?
There is no commitment whatsoever. You can decide which projects you have your say on. Some projects will be of more interest to you than others, so you can choose which ones to get involved with.
What kind of projects will you be asking about?
There is no definitive list! We ask communities about a range of topics, including town centres, transport, housing, roads and education. We are committed to listening to communities across Aberdeenshire and acting on what you tell us.