2023 Improvement / Next Steps

Strategic Support and Development


Improvement suggestions / actions

Continued Professional Development

Improvement Team

Improvement suggestions / actions

Lack of understanding / knowledge around the ALCP plan.

Pressure on partners to attend and participate in multiple partnership networks Aberdeenshire wide.

Invite / increase partner members at the strategic level.

Increase awareness of ALCP to partners by delivering introduction to ALCP and CLD Plan.

Promote and attract new members, action focused.

Feedback to ALCP on current progress.

Consult with partners about what and why they attend others and where the links are.

Little / no knowledge of systems to support communication for partners.

Pressure on partners to attend and participate in multiple partnership networks Aberdeenshire wide.

Deliver training to CLD support staff in:

WordPress administration

Teams channels

Ward pages

Research successful current partnerships, academic approaches / strategy and share findings and approaches with ALCP Strategic and Operations support and development. Fit for purpose in this post pandemic / cost of living landscape.

Operational Support and Development


(Li Simpson)

Improvement suggestions / actions

LLCP Support and Development (operational)

LLCP Partners

Improvement suggestions / actions

Lack of knowledge and awareness of the new LLCP framework.

Pressure on partners to attend and participate in multiple partnership networks Aberdeenshire wide.

Offer and facilitate an additional online session for all partners unable to attend the local introductory area meeting.

Create forms survey for operational leads to share with their partners.

Map the results from the survey along with own research of partnerships improving the knowledge on aims and outcomes across the board.

Create an organogram with all partnership networks across Aberdeenshire making the links and share with colleagues to disseminate to all LLCP areas.

CLD leads in each area agreed to focus on establishing partnerships and identifying needs / gaps (Survey has been created and ready to be used in each area in agreement with partners).

No current effective system in place for communication.

No current plan / schedule for area meetings.

No LLCP Terms of Reference.

No joint planning for 2023 - 2024.

Pressure on partners to attend and participate in multiple partnership networks Aberdeenshire wide.

Teams channel being created to improve communication.

Survey, consult and jointly plan most effective way / times to meet.

From introductory session combine feedback and create a draft Terms of Reference to be ratified at the first meeting of the LLCP.

Identify current needs in the area and create a collaborative plan / approach to address these needs.

Consult with partners about what and why they attend others and where the links are.

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