Proposed Equality Outcomes for Aberdeenshire 2021-25
There are laws in place to protect people from unfair discrimination due to their protected characteristics (e.g. age, sex, race).
To help with this, every four years Aberdeenshire Council needs to set equality outcomes, which state how the council aims to achieve improvements in people's life opportunities. The outcomes also apply to the Aberdeenshire Licensing Boards and to the Aberdeenshire Education Authority. The equality outcomes are used to measure the council's progress in making Aberdeenshire a fairer and more equitable place.
We have taken on board the feedback from both a community survey and a Citizens’ Panel survey in February/March, and from conversations that were held with a variety of community groups with protected characteristics. We have also taken account of recent research on the inequalities faced in Scotland and into the impact of Covid-19 on groups with protected characteristics.
We now have six proposed Aberdeenshire Equality Outcomes based on the evidence we have collected and would like to get your views on these.