Developing Aberdeenshire Equalities Outcomes
Consultation has concluded
There are laws in place to protect people from unfair discrimination due to their protected characteristics (e.g age).
To help with this, every four years Aberdeenshire Council needs to set equality outcomes, which state how the council aims to achieve improvements in people's life opportunities. The outcomes also apply to the Aberdeenshire Licensing Boards and to the Aberdeenshire Education Authority. The equality outcomes are used to measure the council's progress in making Aberdeenshire a fairer and more equitable place.
Your feedback to the following questions along with other engagement with community groups and forums, as well as local and national research will assist in this process of developing new outcomes for Aberdeenshire.
Please complete the survey, tell us your stories and share your ideas.
If you need information from this consultation in an alternative language or in a Large Print, Easy Read, Braille or BSL, please telephone 01467 538029.
Jeigu pageidaujate šio dokumento kita kalba arba atspausdinto stambiu šriftu, supaprastinta kalba, parašyta Brailio raštu arba britų gestų kalba, prašome skambinti 01467 538029.
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Ja jums nepieciešama šai dokumentā sniegtā informācija kādā citā valodā vai lielā drukā, viegli lasāmā tekstā, Braila rakstā vai BSL (britu zīmju valodā), lūdzu, zvaniet uz 01467 538029.