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Site selection and distribution


We propose a site selection methodology that adopts a stepped approach which will vary according to the scale of the proposal.  Site selection criteria will be applied to proposals submitted during the Call for Ideas phase of the Local Development Plan and for any modifications proposed in response to the publication of the Proposed Local Development Plan.   

Firstly, we consider how we are going to factor in existing development sites in terms of how they should be rolled forward and how the bid process should apply.

The key steps in site selection are:

  1. Excluded areas: Identify areas for exclusion from development due to constraints identified through assessment of the evidence, and conclusions presented under the Sustainable Places theme.
  2.  Distribution of development: Assess proposals against the six principal themes identified from the topic papers for the distribution of development, namely:
  • Housing Need
  • Infrastructure Capacity
  • Sustainable Transport
  • Living Locally
  • Consumer Demand
  • Aberdeenshire Place Strategy

      3. Assess site specific proposals for their commitment to the other benefits and outcomes sought as identified in National Planning Framework 4, and through analysis of the evidence presented in the Sustainable Places, Liveable Places and Productive Places themes

      4. Deliverability: Assessment of the proposals to assess whether it is demonstrable that they can be delivered within the lifespan of the Local Development Plan.  A tiered approach will be taken with greater detail sought on sites that are preferred for inclusion in the Local Development Plan

While considering these issues, please refer to the consultation document “Site Selection and Distribution of Development”.

We will firstly ask for your comments on each of the 4 steps proposed, followed by a general question regarding the overall approach adopted.

We estimate this survey will take 15 minutes to complete.