What is the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership?

    The Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership is about the public, private and voluntary sectors working together to deliver better services for Aberdeenshire. See https://www.ouraberdeenshire.org.uk/ for more details

    Why are we looking at healthy lifestyles?

    Eating well and keeping active are key to keeping healthy. We're bringing together everyone who has an interest in and an influence on healthy lifestyles to identify priorities and put together an action plan. This includes communities. Improving health can only happen with community involvement

    How will the engagement work?

    We want as many people to get involved in this engagement as possible. It will consist of two phases:

    First we want your views on what keeps you healthy and active in your communities and what barriers there are. Also what should are priorities be? You'll be able to get involved online through polls and surveys but we'll also be out in communities talking to people and groups face to face.

    The second stage will be a chance for you to get more invovled as we develop the action plan through focus groups, mini publics (citizens juries) and community led research

    Why is the engagement important?

    It's important that the action plan we develop is what is needed and wanted by the communities of Aberdeenshire. Also sustainable change is only going to be possible with local communities at the centre of bringing about this change