Health and Social Care in Aberdeenshire

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Help to develop our next Strategic Plan

Every Health & Social Care Partnership must create a Plan which sets out how it will provide services moving forward. Aberdeenshire's current plan comes to an end in 2025. In preparing for our next plan, we have completed a Needs Assessment which helps us to understand the health and social care needs of people living in Aberdeenshire. Key points are shown below.

  • There continues to be a larger number of over 65-year-olds living within Aberdeenshire. This has been the case for the last 20 years and it is expected to continue.

  • Aberdeenshire has an increasing older population and there is a projected increase of 42.6% of households with someone aged 75 years and older.

  • The number of households within Aberdeenshire is expected to increase at a faster rate than across Scotland.

  • The number of years that an individual lives healthily with minimal support from health and social care services has decreased in recent years. Even though the healthy life expectancy in Aberdeenshire remains above the Scottish average, there can be a variation of up to ten years dependent on where you live in Aberdeenshire.

  • As people live longer there is an increasing trend of individuals having two or more medical conditions. This can often lead to more complex care needs, which in turn increases demand on already pressured services. This increase is not only linked to our older population. Evidence has shown that there is an increasing number of people living in areas with most deprivation who have two or more medical conditions which impact an individuals life 10-15 years earlier than those living in the least deprived areas.

  • 17.5% of Aberdeenshire’s population is prescribed medication for anxiety, depression, or psychosis. Therefore, it is not surprising that mental health is the fifth leading case for ill health, early death and the third most experienced long term health condition.

In summary, the needs assessment confirms that we continue to see the trends listed above grow. While it is good news that people are living longer in Aberdeenshire, this places demands on local health and social care services as people grow older and face multiple medical conditions.

Like other public sector organisations across Scotland, we are faced with significant financial challenges which is created by a mix of reducing budgets and increasing costs. This means that how we deliver services will need to change. Again, like other Health and Social Care Partnerships we face challenges with recruiting and retaining staff.

This next version of our plan must be achievable and for this to happen we have to look at the services that we currently provide, look at what the data is telling us for Aberdeenshire, and work with our communities to develop a plan which we can deliver with the budget and staffing available.

We do recognise that communities are already supporting health and wellbeing work in a range of ways all across Aberdeenshire, for example walking groups and men’s sheds. We must also work with our partners within the third sector who support the delivery of health and social care services and with the community groups who support each other in communities across Aberdeenshire.

We understand that the decisions we have to make may have impacts for families, including those with a caring role. The Partnership recognises and values the support provided by unpaid carers and will ensure that all impacts are considered as part of our decision-making process.

Your Views - Face to face sessions or Survey

We would like to hear your views to help inform our Plan going forward. We'd also like to give you the opportunity to give views to inform our budget decisions, our digital strategy, our equality outcomes, and our workforce plan.

You can provide feedback either at our face-to-face sessions running throughout Aberdeenshire in September and October 2024 (see dates in the right hand menu) or through our survey.

The survey is available below will be open until 31st October 2024. It will also be available in paper copy.
If other formats of the survey are required, please get in touch with us by email at

Help to develop our next Strategic Plan

Every Health & Social Care Partnership must create a Plan which sets out how it will provide services moving forward. Aberdeenshire's current plan comes to an end in 2025. In preparing for our next plan, we have completed a Needs Assessment which helps us to understand the health and social care needs of people living in Aberdeenshire. Key points are shown below.

  • There continues to be a larger number of over 65-year-olds living within Aberdeenshire. This has been the case for the last 20 years and it is expected to continue.

  • Aberdeenshire has an increasing older population and there is a projected increase of 42.6% of households with someone aged 75 years and older.

  • The number of households within Aberdeenshire is expected to increase at a faster rate than across Scotland.

  • The number of years that an individual lives healthily with minimal support from health and social care services has decreased in recent years. Even though the healthy life expectancy in Aberdeenshire remains above the Scottish average, there can be a variation of up to ten years dependent on where you live in Aberdeenshire.

  • As people live longer there is an increasing trend of individuals having two or more medical conditions. This can often lead to more complex care needs, which in turn increases demand on already pressured services. This increase is not only linked to our older population. Evidence has shown that there is an increasing number of people living in areas with most deprivation who have two or more medical conditions which impact an individuals life 10-15 years earlier than those living in the least deprived areas.

  • 17.5% of Aberdeenshire’s population is prescribed medication for anxiety, depression, or psychosis. Therefore, it is not surprising that mental health is the fifth leading case for ill health, early death and the third most experienced long term health condition.

In summary, the needs assessment confirms that we continue to see the trends listed above grow. While it is good news that people are living longer in Aberdeenshire, this places demands on local health and social care services as people grow older and face multiple medical conditions.

Like other public sector organisations across Scotland, we are faced with significant financial challenges which is created by a mix of reducing budgets and increasing costs. This means that how we deliver services will need to change. Again, like other Health and Social Care Partnerships we face challenges with recruiting and retaining staff.

This next version of our plan must be achievable and for this to happen we have to look at the services that we currently provide, look at what the data is telling us for Aberdeenshire, and work with our communities to develop a plan which we can deliver with the budget and staffing available.

We do recognise that communities are already supporting health and wellbeing work in a range of ways all across Aberdeenshire, for example walking groups and men’s sheds. We must also work with our partners within the third sector who support the delivery of health and social care services and with the community groups who support each other in communities across Aberdeenshire.

We understand that the decisions we have to make may have impacts for families, including those with a caring role. The Partnership recognises and values the support provided by unpaid carers and will ensure that all impacts are considered as part of our decision-making process.

Your Views - Face to face sessions or Survey

We would like to hear your views to help inform our Plan going forward. We'd also like to give you the opportunity to give views to inform our budget decisions, our digital strategy, our equality outcomes, and our workforce plan.

You can provide feedback either at our face-to-face sessions running throughout Aberdeenshire in September and October 2024 (see dates in the right hand menu) or through our survey.

The survey is available below will be open until 31st October 2024. It will also be available in paper copy.
If other formats of the survey are required, please get in touch with us by email at

  • The following questions have been designed to inform the development of our strategic plan but also to inform other key documents for the HSCP including our workforce plan (having the right number and right skill mix of staff to support the delivery of services), the budget setting process (ensuring that the services we are delivering can be delivered with the money we have available), development of new equality outcomes, and development of a digital strategy.

    You will be given the option to choose the sections that you would like to answer, but we would appreciate that you consider providing your views for all sections, as your feedback is important for each of the above areas of work.

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 01:26 PM