Now Available: Community Engagement in Inverbervie and Gourdon Findings

Over the summer and autumn months, the project partners have used a range of methods to engage with residents in the coastal villages of Inverbervie and Gourdon:

  • An online engagement survey using Engage Aberdeenshire and a QR code providing direct access to the project page.

  • Face to face community engagement, through engagement at the Wellbeing Festival event at Inverbervie Leisure, both primary schools, the Library, the Bervie Community Café, the Church gardening group, the Harbour Inn and on the streets.

A good sample of people, ranging from 3.4% to 8% of the populations living in the two communities engaged in the process and responded to the survey, providing insight into what their communities are like to live, learn and be active in.

  • 78 respondents were from Inverbervie (3.4% of the community population).

  • 68 respondents were from Gourdon (8% of the community population).

In both communities, the project engaged with a diverse age range of local people, young people, adults, parents and older adults from a range of backgrounds. Residents identified the big issues for their communities and suggested new opportunities to promote health and wellbeing in the community.

Read both Inverbervie and Gourdon community engagement findings in the documents section of this page.

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