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Flooded street

Climate Crisis - mitigation, adaptation and resilience

This topic paper provides details on the information sources we have used in our assessment of the topic, and interim conclusions to be taken forward in the Spatial Strategy for the forthcoming Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2028.

The paper asks your views on:

  1. Identification of datasets – the information we have used in our analysis.
  2. Climate predictions – an overview of the main risks and threats of climate change, and implications for Aberdeenshire’s people and places.
  3. Flood risk – the key vulnerabilities and issues to consider from increased risk of river, surface water flooding, and coastal flooding and erosion due to climate change.
  4. Water scarcity – the severity of this issue, how climate change is likely to exacerbate the problem, and the adaptation required to address it. 
  5. Greenhouse gas emissions – focussing on what may be necessary to influence the rate of future change, through reducing use of carbon and adapting to a low carbon way of living.  Transport emissions are identified as a particular issue for Aberdeenshire.
  6. Build quality and performance – promoting best practice in the design of new buildings and for retrofitting to meet net zero, and to ensure there are positive impacts on human health. 
  7. Possible connections in evidence
  8. Site selection implications

Whilst considering these issues, it would be appropriate to refer to the content of the topic paper itself (that is available on the previous page as a PDF document).  This should help retain a focus on what the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan can practically and realistically do to assist in addressing climate change.

First we need some information from you so that we can manage your submission