Marr LLCP newsletter July - Feb 2025
Ongoing newsfeed from partners about events, activities, funding and strategic developments
Marr Area Partnership bulletin: These short, up-to-date, weekly Bulletins aim to provide organisations, communities and individuals with useful information on a wide range of topics relevant to community support and development. See Bulletins | Mysite (
New Aberdeenshire Council Plan: The Council has a new plan for 2024-29 with a focus on sustainable economy, connected communities and living well locally. See Plan 2024 – 2029 - Aberdeenshire Council
Some resources for community groups:
- Aberdeen City community empowerment toolkit
- Scottish Community Development Centre capacity building toolkit
New Aberdeenshire CLD Partnership Plan
The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults has now re-opened for grants of up to £2,000.
During the main round of funding, AVA allocated £613,724.64 to projects supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing across communities. To date, over £2.5m has been made available through this mechanism and 253 Aberdeenshire-based projects have been supported.
A further £22,000 is now available for small organisations to apply for. Priority will be given to applicants from organisations based on the following criteria:
- Organisations with an annual income of less than £50,000 as shown in their most recent audited/independently verified accounts.
- Organisations who have not already applied to round 4 of The Fund.
As before, if you are interested in applying, we ask that you visit to complete an Expression of Interest form to check your eligibility.
Applications will close at 12 noon on Monday, 3rd February.
Please do also circulate with any other third sector groups you may work alongside in Aberdeenshire.