Please state whether you are an individual or organisation.
Have you previously attended a Marr Community Ward Forum meeting?
Please provide first five characters of your postcode (e.g. AB33 8)
Maximum 5 characters
Thinking of in-person Ward Forums, held in a community hall or other venue, how far would you be prepared to travel from your home to attend?
What meeting format do you prefer?
What is your ideal duration for a Ward Forum meeting?
What do you hope to gain from attending a Ward Forum? (tick all that apply)
At each Ward Forum would you prefer
What topics would you like to hear about at a Ward Forum? (please choose your top eight topics)
Would you like to visit a Community Project as part of a Ward Forum Meeting?
What is your preferred presentation format for a Ward Forum Meeting?
Do you like the name?
Do you have any additional suggestions or feedback regarding Ward Forums?
Maximum 255 characters
If you would like to be kept informed of Ward Forum Meetings, please provide an email address below.
(Note: This information will only be used for promoting future Ward Forum Meeting events to you, and will not be shared with third parties. See Engage Privacy Notice.)
Maximum 100 characters