Positive Action Grants reporting

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Consultation has concluded

Evaluation of positive action grants 2023/24.

Evaluation of positive action grants 2023/24.

  • LLA Positive Action Grants   23/24 -Outcomes sought from funding.

    • Increase sport and culture delivery in identified communities with limited access to current provisions.
    • Deliver accessible services to encourage participation in the target group. 
    • Increase community capacity for longer-term delivery. 
    • Increase awareness of Live Life Aberdeenshire’s offer.

    This evaluation will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Evaluation is required for each remaining quarter of the year.

    Quarter 2 July - September  return by  31st October 2023

    Quarter 3 October - December return by 31st January 2023

    Quarter 4 January - March return by 30th April 2024

    Before filling in this form, you must gather information on the location, participants, training records, and impact statements. 

    We appreciate that projects may not be fully completed at this time, but we would value a statement of where you are with your project for each quarter .

    You must complete the form as fully as possible and use the section on future project delivery to update you on the next steps. In addition to this evaluation you will be asked to provide photographs and additional narrative to assist with reporting on the program.   

    The information will help evaluate the scheme for future delivery. If you need assistance with this form please contact claire.thomson@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

     Thank you   

    Consultation has concluded
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