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Sensory Loss Groups - BSL

At the moment there are very few groups available in Aberdeenshire for people with sight loss, hearing loss or deafness. The organisations involved with providing services to people with sensory loss and deafness in Aberdeenshire are interested to find out more about what groups people might want. Below are some general questions to help get an idea of what people want.


Why would you like to attend a group?


Would you like a group to be on the phone, online, or face-to-face? (Choose any options that apply)


If you answered face to face, what do you need to help you attend the group? (Choose all that apply)


If a group is face to face, how far are you able to travel to attend a group?


If a group is face to face, online or on the phone, what do you need to help you take part in a group? (Choose any options that apply)

Contact details

If you are interested in receiving future information should groups be set up, please provide your name and contact details in the boxes below. 

Please see a link to the Privacy Notice for the Engage Aberdeenshire website. 

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