People and Skills
This survey aims to capture stakeholder view on the people and skills needs, opportunities and investment priorities for Aberdeenshire's UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan. The programme's overall objectives for the people and skills theme are:
• Boosting core skills and support adults to progress in work, by targeting adults with no or low level qualifications and skills in maths, and upskilling the working population, yielding personal and societal economic impact, and by encouraging innovative approaches to reducing adult learning barriers.
• Reducing levels of economic inactivity through investment in bespoke intensive life and employment support tailored to local need. Investment should facilitate the join-up of mainstream provision and local services within an area for participants, through the use of one-to-one keyworker support, improving employment outcomes for specific cohorts who face labour market barriers.
• Supporting people furthest from the labour market to overcome barriers to work by providing cohesive, locally tailored support including access to basic skills.
• Supporting local areas to fund gaps in local skills provision to support people to progress in work, and supplement local adult skills provision e.g. by providing additional volumes; delivering provision through wider range of routes or enabling more intensive/innovative provision, both qualification based and non-qualification based. This should be supplementary to provision available through national employment and skills programmes.