Accessing Health Information from Peterhead Library
We asked
Through the North Public Health Team, we asked for feedback from community members on their experience of accessing health information in this area including Peterhead Library. The responses we received will help develop this provision in the future.
You said
Your feedback helped to tell us about the health information you think is most important.
- More promotion of website apps, social media and resources covering all health topics including health conditions
- More availability of printed resources
- More health information in public spaces
- Provide health sessions on a variety of topics
We will
Explore the use of web resources to complement existing resources.
The Healthy Reading initiative through Live Life Aberdeenshire and the Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership will continue to create public resources which will help to highlight websites, apps, and books for various topics e.g., food and mood, menopause etc. Recently this has included posters to highlight the ‘Pick up my period’ app and free period products.
Continue to share relevant health information and useful resources via our North Public Health Facebook page: Aberdeenshire Public Health - North
We continue to link relevant websites and resources through social media.
We highlight important topics when they arise e.g., sun safe, infection control etc.
We are committed to posting regular weekly health topic posts in correlation with NHS health calendar topics and advice from the Advanced Public Health Coordinators and Public Health Coordinators.
Review and update existing resources at Peterhead Library based on the feedback received on what the public want to access.
All resources have been monitored for 6 months and we have tailored topics to the most popular and used leaflets. Topics include Alcohol, Tobacco, Stress, Money, Child health, Local wellbeing services etc. Advised on relevant Period Products and signage.
Explore other ways for individuals to access information within public settings e.g., Near me Healthpoint service.
Have liaised with Healthpoint on future opportunities, Unfortunately, due to funding the Nearme service couldn’t be implemented within the library however, we have been working hard on creating a model for resources that can be easily duplicated in other locations and continue to promote the Nearme Service which can accessed by individuals at home.
Explore other locations for health information.
Possible further locations; DWP, Health Centre, Men United, Peterhead Community Centre, HMP Family Centre, Rural Libraries.
Provide health sessions on a variety of topics
The North Public Health Team are delivering 'Cooking of a Budget' and 'Confidence to Cook' sessions throughout the area to help promote healthy eating and lifestyles. These are promoted through the Facebook page. The team also continues to explore other health session opportunities.
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