Panmure Gardens Play Park, Potterton
We asked
Within the Play Park at Panmure Gardens, Potterton the Multi-play Unit reached the end of its serviceable life and required removal. The Multi-play Unit now needs to be replaced.
We asked for your views on replacing the Multi-play Unit to help inform us on the type of new play equipment to install in the play park.
You Said
The survey responses provided insight to the variety of activities people would like to see included in a new piece of play equipment. The range of activities most popular included sliding, climbing, balancing and interactive panels. The responses were in favour of equipment suitable for both the early years and junior age group. Comments made also suggested new play equipment should be inclusive and accessible for children with a broad range of ability.
We Will
The project to replace the existing Multi-play Unit will proceed and the feedback has helped in the consideration of what type of play equipment to install at the site. We will replace the Multi-play Unit with a new updated inclusive unit which will include a slide, provide a variety of climbing and balancing activities aimed at covering children of a broad age range and ability.
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