School Holiday and Term Dates 2025 - 2030
We Asked
In February we published a draft calendar for the school holidays, term dates, and in-service days for the next five years (2025/26 through to 2029/30) to gather the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider public before dates were finalised.
You Said
We received a total of 7381 responses to this survey of which:
- 2025/26 – 83% responded yes or no preference to the proposed term dates and holiday pattern.
- 2026/27 – 79% responded yes or no preference to the proposed term dates and holiday pattern.
- 2027/28 – 81% responded yes or no preference to the proposed term dates and holiday pattern.
- 2028/29 – 82% responded yes or no preference to the proposed term dates and holiday pattern.
- 2029/30 - 82% responded yes or no preference to the proposed term dates and holiday pattern.
We Will
The school holiday, term dates, and in-service dates for 2025/26 through to 2029/30 were approved by Committee on the 30th May 2024 and will shortly be published on our website.
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