Young Carers
We Asked
Aberdeenshire Council is currently reviewing it’s Young Carer Strategy, published in October 2020. The updated Young Carer Strategy which will apply from 2025 to 2030, aims to set out the Council’s objectives for supporting young carers in Aberdeenshire. The Young Carer Survey and Adults Supporting Young Carers Survey which were active from 26 August to 29 September 2024, sought the views of individuals on the development of the Action Plan. Our survey included priorities for the updated Strategy.
You Said
In total 27 young carers and 17 adults supporting young carers participated in the surveys to give their views.
23% of young carers attending primary or secondary school and 27% of adults supporting young carers told us their school was signed up to the Aberdeenshire Schools Young Carer Charter.
54% of young carers attending school and 80% of adults supporting young carers did not know if their school had a young carer champion and the majority did not know if their school had a dedicated young carer noticeboard.
19% of young carers attending school and 27% of adults supporting young carers told us their school uses assemblies or lessons to raise awareness of young carers.
56% of young carers said they were registered with VSA Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service. Of these young carers, 33% said they had been supported to apply for a Aberdeenshire Health & Wellbeing Grant and 92% of young carers and 94% of adults supporting young carers stated we should continue to offer this Grant.
Responses on the completion of Emergency Plans for young carers, indicated 33% of young carers and 38% of adults supporting young carers said they either had or would like support to complete one. The remaining responses advised they did not want support or did not know if they would need support to complete one.
33% of young carers and 25% of adults supporting young carers said they had a Young Carer Group that meets in school or in the local community. Of the young carers who did not have a group, 57% said they would like a group out-with school, whilst 21% said in school and 21% said they did not want a group.
We Will
We will use the feedback above to help shape the development of the Young Carer Strategy and Action Plan. We will provide further updates once the Strategy has been completed.
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