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Aberdeenshire Young Carers

Adults Supporting Young Carers Survey - Review of Aberdeenshire Young Carers Strategy

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 was implemented in April 2018 which introduced a number of responsibilities on all Scottish local authorities and health and social care partnerships to support unpaid carers in a different way. One of these responsibilities was to develop and publish a Local Young Carers Strategy for young carers and this was first published in 2018 following consultation with carers and all other interested stakeholders.  

Aberdeenshire Council is reviewing it’s Young Carer Strategy, which is our plan of what we have been doing to support young carers over the last three years.  Your views are very important in helping us identify what we are doing well and how we can improve support to young carers over the next five years.

We want to engage with young carers, those supporting them and anyone with an interest in supporting young carers and so we’re asking for views on this. This survey is for adults supporting young carers.

A young carer is anyone under the age of 18 (or 18 if still at school) who cares for a family member or friend due to illness, disability, mental ill-health, alcohol or drug dependency. A young carer may look after their mum, dad, brother, sister, grandparent, or someone else close to their family.  The young carer may look after the cared-for person on their own or may be helped by others.

Please view Aberdeenshire Council's Engage Aberdeenshire Privacy Notice Nov 2023 on how your data may be used.

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and will close at 23;59 on 22nd September 2024.

Definition of a Young Carer

A young carer is anyone under the age of 18 (or 18 if still at school) who cares for a family member or friend due to illness, disability, mental ill-health, alcohol or drug dependency.

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Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service - VSA

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About the Young Carer

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Young Carers Attending School

Please skip to question 9 if the young carer does not attend school.

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Health and Wellbeing Grant

Aberdeenshire’s Young Carer Health and Wellbeing Grant can help a young carer to look after their health & wellbeing, and let them take time out to enjoy activities, hobbies and to spend time with friends. The Grant is for a one-off payment that does not need to be paid back.  The young carer can decide what to buy with the grant, as long as it will help them to look after their health & wellbeing.

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Emergency Planning

An Emergency Plan describes how the person being cared-for will be looked after if the carer is unable to care for them for a short or long period of time.

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Self-directed Support (SDS)

A Self-directed Support (SDS) Budget is provided by the local authority to eligible young carers whose caring role has a substantial or critical level of impact on their lives. A SDS budget is used to support a young carer in reducing the impact of their caring responsibilities and/ or give them a break from caring.

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Young Carer Groups / Meet Ups

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What Next?

Aberdeenshire Carer Support Service - VSA Contact Details

VSA is commissioned to provide a Carer Support service for Aberdeenshire Young Carers and Adult Carers. For more information visit which includes online referral forms. Or contact VSA by email or telephone 01224 727670.