CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Aberdeenshire Council Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy
The purpose of this survey questionnaire is to ensure that local communities and stakeholders are informed of the Aberdeenshire Council Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES). We also want to make sure people can have their say on the priorities and actions identified in the LHEES, to ensure we are making a positive impact.
The questionnaire covers the following elements of the Draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy document (LHEES):
- Opportunities, challenges, and barriers to decarbonising heating (and cooling) in buildings.
- The bigger picture issues around whole area planning, resources, and assets.
- Challenges relating to property type and age, looking at Aberdeenshire's domestic and non-domestic building stock.
- Four main priority areas which are identified as:
- improving building energy efficiency
- increasing uptake of low and zero carbon heating,
- reducing fuel poverty, and
- increasing awareness of information
- The Delivery Plan, outlining actions and next steps.