Access to Rural Transport Survey

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Consultation has concluded


This survey was part of an evaluation of a pilot in Buchan for the Be-link’D Transport Project and helped to identify ongoing issues with access to transport in rural Buchan.

The survey findings have now been incorporated into an evaluation report for the project, which has been published on the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership website 

Please click on the picture link below to access this report

Community Planning in Action - 'BE-LINK'D COMMUNITY TRANSPORT PROJECT'

Following on from a Buchan Community Planning Partnership network meeting in August 2019 to discuss Child Poverty, the issue of a lack of accessible or suitably timed public transport was d…

We will

The Buchan Local Community Planning Group will continue to prioritise initiatives to help tackle the challenges of rural transportation in Buchan including working in partnership with other areas across Aberdeenshire.  


This survey was part of an evaluation of a pilot in Buchan for the Be-link’D Transport Project and helped to identify ongoing issues with access to transport in rural Buchan.

The survey findings have now been incorporated into an evaluation report for the project, which has been published on the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership website 

Please click on the picture link below to access this report

Community Planning in Action - 'BE-LINK'D COMMUNITY TRANSPORT PROJECT'

Following on from a Buchan Community Planning Partnership network meeting in August 2019 to discuss Child Poverty, the issue of a lack of accessible or suitably timed public transport was d…

We will

The Buchan Local Community Planning Group will continue to prioritise initiatives to help tackle the challenges of rural transportation in Buchan including working in partnership with other areas across Aberdeenshire.  

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Be-Link'D Minibus

    Our short survey below will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and registration to the site is not necessary in order to complete questions.  

    If you would like to register, you can do this by using the "Register" button at the top right hand of the page.  When prompted create a username of your own choice and provide a valid email address.  We will  then send you a verification email to complete your registration.   

    Telling us what you think will help us to assess where there is a need for additional transport options for people living in rural communities.

    The Closing Date for this Survey is Friday 21st October 2022.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Access to Transport Survey on Facebook Share Access to Transport Survey on Twitter Share Access to Transport Survey on Linkedin Email Access to Transport Survey link