June Meeting Update
ALFA members met on Wednesday 19th June at 7 pm for their regular monthly meeting. They discussed several items:
- Feedback to group from representatives at the National Adult Learning Awards Experience
- Feedback on facilitating the National Numeracy Day Big Natter About Numbers session
- The ALFA ‘Helping you to vote’ sessions
- Funding requirements
- Update on CLD developments:
- Referral form
- Review on Accreditation
- Structure Changes possibly impacting group
- Learner Voice Conversations and forum meetings around survey on Engage Aberdeenshire
Members agreed to have a meeting to review the area learner voice findings from each area in early July.
ALFA member Charlie McCorry said “It’s great to see the group working to promote learner voice and conversations throughout Aberdeenshire about Adult Learning. We’re building momentum and confidence as a group”.