Banff and Buchan Local Learning Community

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Map of Aberdeenshire with Banff and Buchan highlightedLocal Learning Community Partnerships (LLCPs) are made up of local organisations and community volunteers who share an interest in the community learning and development of the area. There are six of these partnerships across Aberdeenshire.

The partnerships feed into the strategic Aberdeenshire Learning Community Partnership (ALCP) who work towards agreed priorities. This is in line with local need and the requirements of the Scottish Government regulations for CLD.

The ALCP priorities are the focus for gathering local data and intelligence and creating a response to meet the needs of communities. The aim of the LLCP is to work together to deliver programmes and activities which will have a positive impact on those living in the area.

The priorities Themes Local Learning Community Partnership Logo

  1. Theme 1. Community Empowerment

    Empowering people, individually and collectively, to make positive changes in their lives and in their communities, through learning. Through developing the necessary skills, networks and understanding, communities and groups can take ownership locally.

    Action - Map the community development learning offer and support to groups by partners across Aberdeenshire to improve understanding of partners offer and identify any gaps. This will identify and develop clear support options and access routes.

    Partners will support individuals and community organisations to address community issues collaboratively

    Theme 2. Employment and Skills

    Developing a coordinated learning offer with partners will be vital in ensuring that young people and adults have good quality opportunities to gain the necessary skills and qualification to progress in learning, training and employment.

    Action – Map the community learning offer by partners across Aberdeenshire ensuring clear progression and learning pathways are available to young people, adults and communities.

    Partners will develop clear access points and progression routes with effective transitions for learners to build the necessary skills and qualifications to progress in learning, training, employment and life.

On the Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan Engage site there is now the opportunity for people to provide feedback on the plan and identified themes. Please share the link widely. People will have to be registered in order to leave a comment.

Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan | Engage Aberdeenshire

The Banff and Buchan LLCP work together in partnership with community and strategic partners to create support to our communities by providing impact on issues that affect our local community.

Banff and Buchan LLCP partners are Aberdeen Foyer, Aberdeenshire Libraries, Community Learning and Development Aberdeenshire, Fire Scotland, Lead, NHS, Police Scotland, Skills Development Scotland

The Partnership meets once every 6 weeks with meeting online.

When carrying out engagements there will be interactive tools below. We will from time to time include polls or surveys. Check back anytime to stay engaged with the Buchan Local Learning Community Partnership and the work of the members and the communities.

Map of Aberdeenshire with Banff and Buchan highlightedLocal Learning Community Partnerships (LLCPs) are made up of local organisations and community volunteers who share an interest in the community learning and development of the area. There are six of these partnerships across Aberdeenshire.

The partnerships feed into the strategic Aberdeenshire Learning Community Partnership (ALCP) who work towards agreed priorities. This is in line with local need and the requirements of the Scottish Government regulations for CLD.

The ALCP priorities are the focus for gathering local data and intelligence and creating a response to meet the needs of communities. The aim of the LLCP is to work together to deliver programmes and activities which will have a positive impact on those living in the area.

The priorities Themes Local Learning Community Partnership Logo

  1. Theme 1. Community Empowerment

    Empowering people, individually and collectively, to make positive changes in their lives and in their communities, through learning. Through developing the necessary skills, networks and understanding, communities and groups can take ownership locally.

    Action - Map the community development learning offer and support to groups by partners across Aberdeenshire to improve understanding of partners offer and identify any gaps. This will identify and develop clear support options and access routes.

    Partners will support individuals and community organisations to address community issues collaboratively

    Theme 2. Employment and Skills

    Developing a coordinated learning offer with partners will be vital in ensuring that young people and adults have good quality opportunities to gain the necessary skills and qualification to progress in learning, training and employment.

    Action – Map the community learning offer by partners across Aberdeenshire ensuring clear progression and learning pathways are available to young people, adults and communities.

    Partners will develop clear access points and progression routes with effective transitions for learners to build the necessary skills and qualifications to progress in learning, training, employment and life.

On the Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan Engage site there is now the opportunity for people to provide feedback on the plan and identified themes. Please share the link widely. People will have to be registered in order to leave a comment.

Aberdeenshire Community Learning and Development Partnership Plan | Engage Aberdeenshire

The Banff and Buchan LLCP work together in partnership with community and strategic partners to create support to our communities by providing impact on issues that affect our local community.

Banff and Buchan LLCP partners are Aberdeen Foyer, Aberdeenshire Libraries, Community Learning and Development Aberdeenshire, Fire Scotland, Lead, NHS, Police Scotland, Skills Development Scotland

The Partnership meets once every 6 weeks with meeting online.

When carrying out engagements there will be interactive tools below. We will from time to time include polls or surveys. Check back anytime to stay engaged with the Buchan Local Learning Community Partnership and the work of the members and the communities.

Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 02:47 PM