Grampian Procedures Reviewed

The Grampian Procedure are crucial for ensuring that adults at risk receive the protection and support they need in a coordinated and effective manner. The latest version of the procedures has created strong links with the ASP National Codes of Practice and has reduced duplication between the two documents.
The Grampian Interagency Procedures for Adult Support and Protection provide a comprehensive framework for recognising and responding to situations where adults may be at risk of harm. These procedures are designed to be used by all statutory and independent sector organizations within the Grampian region.
The main purposes of these procedures include:
- Identifying and responding to risk: Helping workers recognize when an adult may be at risk and outlining appropriate responses.
- Guiding investigations: Offering principles for investigating suspected harm, including how to record information and assess risk.
- Improving skills and knowledge: Supporting local agencies in enhancing the skills and knowledge of their staff related to safeguarding adults at risk
If you have a previous version of the procedures saved please replace it with the latest version.