Kincardine and Mearns Local Learning Community
Local Learning Community Partnerships (LLCPs) are made up of local organisations and community volunteers who share an interest in the community learning and development of the area. There are six of these partnerships across Aberdeenshire.
The partnerships feed into the strategic Aberdeenshire Learning Community Partnership (ALCP) who work towards agreed priorities. This is in line with local need and the requirements of the Scottish Government regulations for CLD.
The ALCP priorities are the focus for gathering local data and intelligence and creating a response to meet the needs of communities. The aim of the LLCP is to work together to deliver programmes and activities which will have a positive impact on those living in the area.
The priorities
- Improving health and wellbeing through community learning and development.
- Improving life chances through community learning and development.
- Building community capacity and resilience through community learning and development.
- Strengthening workforce development, including with volunteers, through community learning and development.
A subgroup has been established to support the initial focus and direction of the Kincardine and Mearns Local Learning Community Partnership. Partners are continuing to strengthen links and discuss partnership approaches to identifying and addressing learning needs in the community, in line with our four priorities.
A Terms of Reference has been agreed with partners, emphasising the value of partnerships in sharing information, open communication, supporting collaborative working and joint projects. A focus of the Terms of Reference and a priority for the partnership is ensuring learners are listened to and included at all stages of decision making, planning, designing and evaluation.
Key themes emerging for the area include access to and knowledge of volunteering opportunities and partnership approaches to employability support for young people and adults.
Kincardine and Mearns Area LLCP partners are
Mearns and Coastal Healthy Living Network
Aberdeenshire Voluntary Association
Kincardine and Mearns Terms of Reference
The Kincardine and Mearns Terms of Reference can be found at the right of this page under Kincardine and Mearns Area LLCP minutes.
Below you will find some interactive tools where you can share your ideas and read the ideas of others for Kincardine and Mearns, you can add any local provision you are involved with to our interactive map and share your stories about projects or activities you have been involved in. We will from time to time include polls or surveys. Check back anytime to stay engaged with the Kincardine and Mearns Local Learning Community Partnership and the work of the members and the communities.