LDP Evidence Report Play Recreation and Sport

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This survey has been prepared to assist with the formulation of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan Evidence Report.

This questionnaire focuses on questions associated with the Play, Recreation and Sport Topic Paper.

This topic paper is structured in response to National Planning Framework (NPF) 4 Policy 21. The policy intent of NPF4 Policy 21 is to support and facilitate spaces and opportunities for play, recreation and sport in the natural and built environments for children and people for all ages..

Local Development Plans are expected to identify sites for sports, play and outdoor recreation for people of all ages, which should be based on an understanding of the needs and demand in the community, and be informed by the planning authority’s Play Sufficiency Assessment and Open Space Strategy (in this case the Open Space Audit 2024). These spaces can be incorporated as part of enhancing and expanding blue and green infrastructure, taking account of relevant agencies’ plans or policy frameworks, such as flood risk and/or water management plans. New provisions should be well-designed, high quality, accessible and inclusive.

This topic paper presents an analysis of the spatial implications of the need to identify and safeguard spaces for play, recreation and sport, and it identifies the site selection criteria for new development.

For information, we have provided links to the consultative draft Open Space Audit (May 2024), consultative draft Play Sufficiency Assessment (May 2024), 90 draft Settlement Summaries and six tables that list all the open spaces in the six administrative areas. Consultation on these documents closed on 26 July 2024, and are for information only.

It is likely that this paper will be of particular interest to all communities, and developers and landowners who may wish to consider development.

If there are matters that you do not agree with relating to the information that we have looked at, then these are termed as "disputes". While most disputes made will be resolvable by modification of the topic paper, some will persist. If you make a dispute to this paper, and we cannot agree a solution then the dispute will be referred to a Reporter in the Scottish Government Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals in the Spring of 2025. Otherwise comments that you may make to this paper will be analysed and where possible resolution sought before consideration by Aberdeenshire Council, probably in January 2025.

It will require you to be a registered user and may ask for some personal details to assist us with understanding the points that you are making. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information.


This survey has been prepared to assist with the formulation of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan Evidence Report.

This questionnaire focuses on questions associated with the Play, Recreation and Sport Topic Paper.

This topic paper is structured in response to National Planning Framework (NPF) 4 Policy 21. The policy intent of NPF4 Policy 21 is to support and facilitate spaces and opportunities for play, recreation and sport in the natural and built environments for children and people for all ages..

Local Development Plans are expected to identify sites for sports, play and outdoor recreation for people of all ages, which should be based on an understanding of the needs and demand in the community, and be informed by the planning authority’s Play Sufficiency Assessment and Open Space Strategy (in this case the Open Space Audit 2024). These spaces can be incorporated as part of enhancing and expanding blue and green infrastructure, taking account of relevant agencies’ plans or policy frameworks, such as flood risk and/or water management plans. New provisions should be well-designed, high quality, accessible and inclusive.

This topic paper presents an analysis of the spatial implications of the need to identify and safeguard spaces for play, recreation and sport, and it identifies the site selection criteria for new development.

For information, we have provided links to the consultative draft Open Space Audit (May 2024), consultative draft Play Sufficiency Assessment (May 2024), 90 draft Settlement Summaries and six tables that list all the open spaces in the six administrative areas. Consultation on these documents closed on 26 July 2024, and are for information only.

It is likely that this paper will be of particular interest to all communities, and developers and landowners who may wish to consider development.

If there are matters that you do not agree with relating to the information that we have looked at, then these are termed as "disputes". While most disputes made will be resolvable by modification of the topic paper, some will persist. If you make a dispute to this paper, and we cannot agree a solution then the dispute will be referred to a Reporter in the Scottish Government Directorate of Planning and Environmental Appeals in the Spring of 2025. Otherwise comments that you may make to this paper will be analysed and where possible resolution sought before consideration by Aberdeenshire Council, probably in January 2025.

It will require you to be a registered user and may ask for some personal details to assist us with understanding the points that you are making. Please see our Privacy Statement for more information.


  • This topic paper explores the evidence surrounding the Play, Recreation and Sport topic and provides an understanding of Aberdeenshire in relation to this issue. 

    It identifies what information has been collected and assessed, why this is sufficient, and the relevance of that information to the next Local Development Plan. 

    The data has primarily been assessed on the possible impact of future allocations for development within settlements. It considers, and asks for your views, on eight general topics: 

    1. Identification of Datasets 

    2. Open Space Audit

    3. Play Sufficiency Assessment

    4. Sports and community centres spatial data 

    5. Open Space Strategy

    6. Pitch and Outdoor Physical Activity Space Strategy 

    7. Play Park Policy and Strategy

    8. Health, deprivation and inequalities

    9. Forest and Woodland Strategy

    10. Open Space and Blue and Green Infrastructure

    11. Possible Connections in Evidence 

    12. Site Selection Implications

    While considering these issues it would be appropriate to refer to the content of the topic paper. 

    We estimate that this survey will take 20 minutes to complete

    Take Survey
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We have prepared a draft Open Space Audit 2024 and a draft Play Sufficiency Assessment 2024 that we are now seeking comments on by 26 July 2024.  

    We ask that if you wish to comment on more than one settlement that you complete a separate survey sheet for each settlement (you can skip the questions on the open space audit and / or play sufficiency assessment) . 

    These documents provide an overview on the quantity, accessibility and quality of open spaces and play spaces in 92 settlements across Aberdeenshire.  The Cairngorms National Park will be producing their own Play Sufficiency Assessment.

    This questionnaire asks of you, or your organisation, views on the data collected by the Planning Policy Team on public open space within Aberdeenshire.  There are 7 sections to this survey, which are:

    • Section 1 asks about you and the settlement you are commenting on (please comment on one settlement per response).
    • Section 2 asks you to identify any open/play spaces that we may have missed in the settlement.
    • Section 3 asks about specific sites in the Open Space Audit Settlement Summaries.
    • Section 4 asks about specific sites in the Play Sufficiency Assessment Settlement Summaries.
    • Section 5 asks for any general views on the open/play space in the settlement.
    • Section 6 asks for general comments on the draft Open Space Audit report (optional).
    • Section 7 asks for general comments on the draft Play Sufficiency Assessment report (optional).

    We have surveyed most open spaces within Aberdeenshire and have collected this information into a set of Open Space Audit maps contained within 92 Settlement Summary documents. As part of our assessment, we have also given consideration to play spaces, and have also prepared Play Sufficiency Assessment maps for 90 settlements. The maps contained within these Settlement Summaries are found in the Document section of the survey homepage. View only access is also available for the collected data through an interactive map.  

    Each Settlement Summary provides a breakdown on the amount of open and play spaces in that settlement, and provides an overall summary statement on the following:  

    •  How many publicly accessible open spaces there are. 
    •  Which open spaces contribute to the green network, core paths, and provide opportunities for biodiversity. 
    •  If the current provision and variety of open and play spaces meet the needs of the community (quantity).  For example, are there enough of spaces to visit and play outside for adults and children under 18 years old in the settlement? 
    • If there are specific types of open spaces and play spaces that could be required in the future. 
    • How easy it is to access open and play spaces.   
    • How good the quality of these spaces is in terms of their location (place), health and wellbeing, equalities, biodiversity, and climate change. 

    The questions in this survey ask whether you agree with our interpretation of the data that we have collected on a settlement by settlement basis.

    In particular we ask for your views on the

    • The accuracy of the data collected;
    • Your views on whether there is enough or too little of the open space or play space that we audited and what more should be provided (if any);
    • Whether you agree with our assessment of the quality of open space within your chosen settlements open space;
    • Whether you agree with our statements on the accessibility of open space  and play space within your chosen settlements.
    • This information will be used to inform a Local Development Plan topic paper on Play and Open space and  will influence the content of a future Open Space Strategy that will guide open space provision in Aberdeenshire over the foreseeable future.

    We would like to consider the following, which may help you answer any of the questions you wish to respond to:  

    • Future requirements (for different age groups, ethnic groups and genderslikely areas of change / growth areas, and needs for open and play space). 
    • Needs for a variety of different types of open space, play space and green network connections (these are spaces that with paths that connect to other open or play spaces). 
    • Needs of different interest groups e.g., sporting groups/ clubs/ trainers, dog owners, community growing groups and societies. 
    • Needs of different ages, e.g. toddlers, children, young people, older people. 
    • Needs and requirements of different characteristics e.g. people with disabilities, ethnic and minority groups, different genders and sexual orientations. 
    • Needs for allotments where there is proven demand, and to consider whether there may be need for more allotments to meet future demands. 
    • Maintenance requirements of different types of space (is it enough?). 
    • Requirements for green infrastructure (such as parkland, beaches, woods) to support climate change adaptation and mitigation. 

    There is also an interactive map that will allow you to view the all sites audited, as well as six summary tables covering all the sites in Banff and Buchan, Buchan, Formartine, Garioch, Kincardine and Mearns and Marr.  All comments should be provided in the questionnaire.


    If you would like updates on the Local Development Plan please register for our mailing list at ldp@aberdeenshire.gov.uk

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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This short survey will take no more than 5 to 10 minutes of your time

    Aberdeenshire Council has already visited all the open spaces we think young people would use across 92 settlements to assess their quality.  What we do not know is how often these spaces are used, which spaces are the most popular,  do people avoid certain spaces due to safety concerns or vandalism, or it is too far away.  

    We are seeking the views of young people on what open space you use, and how. This could be in a play park, woodland, a kickabout space or other outdoor space to play or meet up.  

    To help us identify if our play spaces are sufficient, we want to know:  

    • Where you play / meet up.
    • What do you do  when you are there.
    • Where you would like to play / meet up.
    • Why you don’t play / meet up in certain areas.

    Therefore, we want to hear about the places you go to visit, play or hangout so we can plan for the future.   

    This survey is anonymous, we will not be able to tell who has said what. Please be responsible in completing the survey.

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Page last updated: 24 Sep 2024, 04:00 PM