Play, Recreation and Sport Topic Paper
This topic paper explores the evidence surrounding the Play, Recreation and Sport topic and provides an understanding of Aberdeenshire in relation to this issue.
It identifies what information has been collected and assessed, why this is sufficient, and the relevance of that information to the next Local Development Plan.
The data has primarily been assessed on the possible impact of future allocations for development within settlements. It considers, and asks for your views, on eight general topics:
1. Identification of Datasets
2. Open Space Audit
3. Play Sufficiency Assessment
4. Sports and community centres spatial data
5. Open Space Strategy
6. Pitch and Outdoor Physical Activity Space Strategy
7. Play Park Policy and Strategy
8. Health, deprivation and inequalities
9. Forest and Woodland Strategy
10. Open Space and Blue and Green Infrastructure
11. Possible Connections in Evidence
12. Site Selection Implications
While considering these issues it would be appropriate to refer to the content of the topic paper.
We estimate that this survey will take 20 minutes to complete