What will Peterhead 2040 look like?

    Peterhead 2040 should be presented as a set of visual resources like maps, charts and dashboards. Part of developing the vision for the place is about making sure it is available in a way that is useful and understandable. It is also important that it can be updated and show what progress has been made over time.  

    What evidence is it going to be based on?

    To work well Peterhead 2040 should include evidence from lots of sources including lived experiencestatistics and engagement. By taking part in any project engagement on the Peterhead 2040 page you will be contributing.  

    Who will be involved?

    People and organisations from all sectors, groups and communities will be involved There will be workshops, engagements and events taking place.  

    Is it the same as a Local Place Plan?

    No. Local Place Plans were introduced to increase community involvement in the planning and spatial design process. Local Place Plans are a way for communities to highlight issues, gather ideas and express aspirations for the future. You can find guidance on Local Place Plans here: https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/planning/plans-and-policies/local-place-plans/ 

    Is it the same a Community Action Plan?

    No. Community Action Plans work at a more localised level. They are generally lead by a community group or groups. Community Action Plan contain prioritised  ideas and issues that a community has identified through community participation at local engagement events. Community Action Plans are supported by Community Planning Partners. In Buchan support for Community Action Planning can be offered by Buchan Development Partnership in association with the Buchan Area Team at Aberdeenshire Council. You can find out more about Buchan Development Partnership here https://www.bdp.scot/

    When will it start?

    Peterhead 2040 has already started. Evidence from past community engagement has been considered along with information about investment and data about the place. Some projects are already underway that will influence Peterhead in the future, but more will develop over time as needs and opportunities are identified 

    When will it end?

    Peterhead 2040 isn’t a single document with a start and end date. It will be updated so that it can keep running for as long as it is the right approach for the place. However, by looking forward to 2040 the intention is for long-term planning to be a priority.  

    Which Projects are part of Peterhead 2040?

    There are lots of projects that may become part of Peterhead 2040. Information about these projects will be added as it becomes available. This Peterhead 2040 page is the place to find out how you can get involved with specific projects.