Tenant Participation Groups

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Consultation has concluded

The Housing Service is developing ways to engage with tenants within the provision of Tenant Participation Groups. The team currently works with "interested tenants" - tenants who have made themselves known to us as wishing to take part in different types of tenant participation activities - to draft a proposal of what structured tenant groups may look like including groups remits, frequency of meetings, and developing a tenant-led approach with the possible use of tenant chairs.

We are welcoming ideas about how to get more tenants involved, in what ways would they like to be involved, and how the groups may develop and feed back to all tenants. The tenant participation team work with tenants in many ways including (but not limited to)

  • Structured groups
  • Community events
  • Consultations
  • One-off forums that focus on a specific topic

There are many topics that tenants can have their say in, such as

  • Housing finance
  • Housing repairs
  • Housing strategy
  • Options and Homelessness
  • Communications - such as the tenants' newsletter, or documents which are created for tenants

You will find on this page tenant submissions for how they may like to see tenant groups run.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, or wish to provide feedback in an alternate format, please contact the Tenant Participation Team on tenant.participation@aberdeenshire.gov.uk(External link) or on 01467 53 58 53.

This consultation will run until 30 November 2021.

The Housing Service is developing ways to engage with tenants within the provision of Tenant Participation Groups. The team currently works with "interested tenants" - tenants who have made themselves known to us as wishing to take part in different types of tenant participation activities - to draft a proposal of what structured tenant groups may look like including groups remits, frequency of meetings, and developing a tenant-led approach with the possible use of tenant chairs.

We are welcoming ideas about how to get more tenants involved, in what ways would they like to be involved, and how the groups may develop and feed back to all tenants. The tenant participation team work with tenants in many ways including (but not limited to)

  • Structured groups
  • Community events
  • Consultations
  • One-off forums that focus on a specific topic

There are many topics that tenants can have their say in, such as

  • Housing finance
  • Housing repairs
  • Housing strategy
  • Options and Homelessness
  • Communications - such as the tenants' newsletter, or documents which are created for tenants

You will find on this page tenant submissions for how they may like to see tenant groups run.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, or wish to provide feedback in an alternate format, please contact the Tenant Participation Team on tenant.participation@aberdeenshire.gov.uk(External link) or on 01467 53 58 53.

This consultation will run until 30 November 2021.

Consultation has concluded
  • Share My RSA contents insurance quote as gone from £120.64 to £330.00, I've made no claim, the insured sum remains the same. Someone somwhere must need a superyacht. I will not be helping them fund it. on Facebook Share My RSA contents insurance quote as gone from £120.64 to £330.00, I've made no claim, the insured sum remains the same. Someone somwhere must need a superyacht. I will not be helping them fund it. on Twitter Share My RSA contents insurance quote as gone from £120.64 to £330.00, I've made no claim, the insured sum remains the same. Someone somwhere must need a superyacht. I will not be helping them fund it. on Linkedin Email My RSA contents insurance quote as gone from £120.64 to £330.00, I've made no claim, the insured sum remains the same. Someone somwhere must need a superyacht. I will not be helping them fund it. link

    My RSA contents insurance quote as gone from £120.64 to £330.00, I've made no claim, the insured sum remains the same. Someone somwhere must need a superyacht. I will not be helping them fund it.

    clarkemike1@gmail.com asked almost 3 years ago


    With reference to the changes in the insurance scheme, An Aberdeenshire Council spokesperson said: “Previously when a tenancy was agreed, the tenant was invited to take up this home contents insurance offer or make their own arrangements. Membership of the scheme was entirely on a voluntary basis. From 1st April, that arrangement will come to an end and URIS Group will take over the operation in its entirety. Our tenants were recently advised of this change to the current insurance scheme and we would remind policy holders that they should continue to conduct their own checks to ensure the cover and cost remains competitive for them. All our tenants are free to compare costs by referring to the many insurance cost comparison sites available online or by consulting with their bank.”