Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire
About ALFA
First, who are the Adult Learning Forum for Aberdeenshire?
Well, ALFA really exists to represent the views of learners, giving them the opportunity to have a voice, discuss issues, engage with decision-makers, and contribute to improving and developing learning opportunities and services for adults.
We are a collective of community members, who share a passion for adult learning and improving learning opportunities for adults in Aberdeenshire.
Our five main aims are to:
- Increase awareness of adult learning opportunities
- Remove stigma around adult learning.
- Encourage others to take up learning opportunities.
- Influence decision making around adult learning.
- Encourage positive conversations on adult learning.
This online space has been created to highlight the work of our ALFA group since its conception in 2021. From co-designing and facilitating an Aberdeenshire Celebration of Learning, to responding to a consultation on certification and wider achievement and conducting research.
We hope you enjoy reading more about us and please just get in touch, if you would like to come along to a meeting or an event, or consult us on adult learning matters, we would love to hear from you. Email: link)
About ALFA
First, who are the Adult Learning Forum for Aberdeenshire?
Well, ALFA really exists to represent the views of learners, giving them the opportunity to have a voice, discuss issues, engage with decision-makers, and contribute to improving and developing learning opportunities and services for adults.
We are a collective of community members, who share a passion for adult learning and improving learning opportunities for adults in Aberdeenshire.
Our five main aims are to:
- Increase awareness of adult learning opportunities
- Remove stigma around adult learning.
- Encourage others to take up learning opportunities.
- Influence decision making around adult learning.
- Encourage positive conversations on adult learning.
This online space has been created to highlight the work of our ALFA group since its conception in 2021. From co-designing and facilitating an Aberdeenshire Celebration of Learning, to responding to a consultation on certification and wider achievement and conducting research.
We hope you enjoy reading more about us and please just get in touch, if you would like to come along to a meeting or an event, or consult us on adult learning matters, we would love to hear from you. Email: link)
Helping You to Vote with ALFA #ALFAbshire
Share Helping You to Vote with ALFA #ALFAbshire on Facebook Share Helping You to Vote with ALFA #ALFAbshire on Twitter Share Helping You to Vote with ALFA #ALFAbshire on Linkedin Email Helping You to Vote with ALFA #ALFAbshire link07 Jun 2024The next UK General Election is on Thursday 4th July 2024. You must be registered on the Electoral Register to vote by the 19th June to use your vote. The voting age for UK General Elections is 18. You can register to vote in UK Parliament Elections from the age of 16.
Next Week ALFA will be supporting community members to explore voter registration and engagement, particularly in the run up to the next UK General Election.
The online learning sessions are all about giving you the knowledge and support to have a vote.
They will be held through Microsoft TEAMS, on Tuesday 11th June and Thursday 13th June from 7 pm to 7.45 pm.
Tuesday online session link: Join the meeting now(External link) Meeting ID: 387 786 580 004 Passcode: 6PNw7S
Thursday online session link: Join the meeting now(External link) Meeting ID: 372 020 088 33Passcode: kGTWnm
ALFA supports National Volunteers' Week in Scotland
Share ALFA supports National Volunteers' Week in Scotland on Facebook Share ALFA supports National Volunteers' Week in Scotland on Twitter Share ALFA supports National Volunteers' Week in Scotland on Linkedin Email ALFA supports National Volunteers' Week in Scotland link30 May 2024Next week is volunteers’ week in Scotland. The ALFA group will be joining thousands of other volunteers throughout the land to celebrate the 40th anniversary of #VolunteersWeekScot from 3rd to 9th June 2024.
Throughout the week, members of ALFA will be sharing their stories of volunteering and why volunteering matters to them.
Please subscribe or register with our site and hear the value and benefits of volunteering in Aberdeenshire.
ALFA wins a National Adult Learning Group Award during #ALWS24
Share ALFA wins a National Adult Learning Group Award during #ALWS24 on Facebook Share ALFA wins a National Adult Learning Group Award during #ALWS24 on Twitter Share ALFA wins a National Adult Learning Group Award during #ALWS24 on Linkedin Email ALFA wins a National Adult Learning Group Award during #ALWS24 link30 May 2024Last week, during Adult Learners' Week in Scotland 2024 #ALWS24, the Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire, known as ALFA, won a national adult learning group award for their work around learners' voice.
ALFA exists to represent the views of adult learners in Aberdeenshire. The forum aims to give learners the opportunity to have a voice, discuss issues, engage with decision-makers, and contribute to improving and developing learning opportunities and services for adults.
Since their establishment, they have:
- co-designed a celebration of learning event
- created a webpage
- responded to local and national consultations
- carried out research
- shared their personal adult learning journeys
- shared the wishes of Adult Learners in Aberdeenshire with MSPs in Edinburgh
- facilitated the Big Number Natter session on National Numeracy Day
Currently they are working with CLD staff to establish 6 area adult learning forums to increase learner participation and widen adult learner representation from all parts of the local authority area.
At the event, ALFA member Charles Wood said, “We are proud and overjoyed to accept this award on behalf of adult learners and community educators across the whole of Aberdeenshire. I have no idea where we would be today without CLD and ALFA’s continued dedication to ensuring that everyone can get access to life-changing education.”
ALFA member Natalie Naylor said, “I don’t think adult educators and tutors realise the impact of what they do with us. They deserve to be recognised. I hope they realise that this award is for them as well as us.”
ALFA member Lee Gall said, “Adult Learning is so important, it changes lives and needs greater investment. We need more adult educators and more learning opportunities in our communities. We need to #SayYesToAdultLearning".
Have a look at the film of the group shown at the Award ceremony: Link to film(External link)
ALFA shortlisted for National Adult Learning Award
Share ALFA shortlisted for National Adult Learning Award on Facebook Share ALFA shortlisted for National Adult Learning Award on Twitter Share ALFA shortlisted for National Adult Learning Award on Linkedin Email ALFA shortlisted for National Adult Learning Award link09 May 2024ALFA members were delighted to be nominated for a National Adult Learning Group Award by CLD staff. The group have since found out that they have been shortlisted by Scotland’s Learning Partnership and are looking forward to attending the ceremony in May which is being held during Adult Learners’ Week.
The group were nominated because of their work and passion for Learner Voice. In the nomination, CLD staff highlighted that ALFA, currently made up of seven adult learning champions, share their knowledge and experiences to promote adult learning and help break down barriers. Considering themselves as lifelong learners they promote community-based adult learning as a catalyst empowering people to make change in their lives.
They have refined their research skills, developed an understanding around consultation, presenting and speaking in public. As the Community Learning and Development Service expand the forums to cover six Council Ward areas across Aberdeenshire, the group are now looking at supporting this.
The nomination also highlighted the group’s work around consultation. Current adult learners in Aberdeenshire were consulted around three wishes or changes they would like to see happen in adult learning. At the event, held by the Scottish Government, the group submitted their wishes on a postcard in December 2023.
The nomination concluded that ALFA “have pushed themselves out with their comfort zones both individually and as a collective group. Forum members are hugely supportive of each other and are passionate about making a positive change and empowering others to make changes to their lives.”
Long standing ALFA member Charlie McCorry said that ‘This is a real achievement for the group. It shows that our voluntary commitment and work in promoting community-based adult learning is valued and recognised not just locally but nationally. We were so pleased to be nominated and now we are over the moon to be shortlisted. I hope we win it, so we can put adult learning in Aberdeenshire on the map!”
Ready, Set, Action! ALFA members making a film for the National Adult Learning Awards Event
Share Ready, Set, Action! ALFA members making a film for the National Adult Learning Awards Event on Facebook Share Ready, Set, Action! ALFA members making a film for the National Adult Learning Awards Event on Twitter Share Ready, Set, Action! ALFA members making a film for the National Adult Learning Awards Event on Linkedin Email Ready, Set, Action! ALFA members making a film for the National Adult Learning Awards Event link09 May 2024Members of ALFA came together in Huntly on Tuesday 7th May to take part in filmmaking for the National Adult Learning Awards hosted by Scotland’s Learning Partnership.
Three members of the group were able to meet face to face and other members of the group joined online to highlight how they normally meet online.
With professional Film maker Marcin from Station House Media Unit (shmu), from North East Scotland, at the forefront of community media development, he said ‘it was a privilege to hear the ALFA member’s stories, they showed energy and passion, despite feeling nervous in front the camera”
ALFA member Lee Gall stated “ I was so out of my comfort zone going in front of the camera, but I did it! And I feel a great sense of achievement and confidence now. I felt the fear and did it anyway.”
The Big Number Natter with ALFA on National Numeracy Day
Share The Big Number Natter with ALFA on National Numeracy Day on Facebook Share The Big Number Natter with ALFA on National Numeracy Day on Twitter Share The Big Number Natter with ALFA on National Numeracy Day on Linkedin Email The Big Number Natter with ALFA on National Numeracy Day link09 May 2024On Wednesday evening, 22nd May, Aberdeenshire’s Adult Learner’s Forum, known as ALFA, is hosting an online Big Number Natter event, supporting National Numeracy Day, for adults interested in talking about numbers in everyday life. All are welcome to join at 7pm.
Here is the link to the event: ALFA Big Number Natter
Microsoft Teams
Join a Microsoft Teams Meeting by ID | Microsoft Teams(External link)
Meeting ID: 350 463 335 349
Passcode: rVyVJg
National Numeracy Day is a chance to celebrate numbers, how we use them in our daily lives, such as work and home, and when we support our children to learn.
The key themes for the day
· Overcoming anxiety about maths
· Managing money with maths
· Getting confident with maths at work
· Help your children love maths.
ALFA member Natalie Naylor stated ‘I did an SQA in Numeracy with Adult Learning and my understanding of numbers and calculations improved and had a wider impact on my day to day life. My numeracy learning has had unexpected outcomes, for example my cooking and baking is so much better now!”
If you would like to know more about ALFA visit
Useful Links
National Numeracy Challenge(External link)
Number Heroes competition(External link)
Adult learning with CLD - Aberdeenshire Council(External link)
ALFA Meeting Summary - 1st May 2024
Share ALFA Meeting Summary - 1st May 2024 on Facebook Share ALFA Meeting Summary - 1st May 2024 on Twitter Share ALFA Meeting Summary - 1st May 2024 on Linkedin Email ALFA Meeting Summary - 1st May 2024 link09 May 2024ALFA members came together online on 1st May 2024 for their regular executive meeting with a busy and exciting agenda.
The group discussed several items listed below:
- Adult Learners Week
- Adult Learners Week Celebration Event - 23rd May
- Filming plan/s - dates - times - location
- Numeracy Day session 22nd May
- The local area forums' update
- The initial session plan for all forums
- Alternative names for Power Tools
- Funding
With a focus on developing Learner Voice through widening learner representation and increasing participation, the group discussed the establishment of the 6 area adult learners’ forums and agreed on key questions to support each group to express their views on adult learning – the benefits, the barriers, the big concerns and hopes for the future.
ALFA member Duncan Ross stated at the end of the meeting that “this was a busy but great meeting with lots of positive things happening locally and nationally with learner voice and our group being shortlisted for the National Adult Learning Awards.”
ALFA promoting Learner Voice in Aberdeenshire
Share ALFA promoting Learner Voice in Aberdeenshire on Facebook Share ALFA promoting Learner Voice in Aberdeenshire on Twitter Share ALFA promoting Learner Voice in Aberdeenshire on Linkedin Email ALFA promoting Learner Voice in Aberdeenshire link09 May 2024The Adult Learners’ Forum for Aberdeenshire are delighted that Learner Voice for both young people and adults is one of the four priorities for the Community Learning and Development (CLD) delivery plan in Aberdeenshire.
Over the months of February and March the group co-designed a presentation with CLD staff to promote learner voice to the wider Adult Learning and Communities Team and provided individual ‘talking heads’ films promoting wider participation and representation of learners throughout the region.
With CLD Learner Voice lead officers, ALFA developed the presentation to provide insight into what learner voice is all about.
In this short film, ALFA member Amanda Wilson highlights the value of adult learning and learner voice.
Chaz Wood explains why learner voice is important to him in his short film: link)
Natalie Naylor provides insight into the value of participating in Learner Voice for her personally and socially
Christmas Voices Event Scottish Learning Partnership, 5th December 2023
Share Christmas Voices Event Scottish Learning Partnership, 5th December 2023 on Facebook Share Christmas Voices Event Scottish Learning Partnership, 5th December 2023 on Twitter Share Christmas Voices Event Scottish Learning Partnership, 5th December 2023 on Linkedin Email Christmas Voices Event Scottish Learning Partnership, 5th December 2023 link18 Dec 2023Adult Learners' Forum Aberdeenshire (ALFA) members worked together to identify the ‘wishes’ they wanted to take to the Christmas Voices event in Edinburgh. The event was an opportunity to discuss with MSPs what matters to adult learners. On Tuesday 5th December 2023 around 50 people, mainly community-based adult learners but also volunteers and CLD workers, met with these politicians at the Holyrood Hotel. CLD Worker Ed Garrett attended on behalf of the Adult Learners' Forum Aberdeenshire (ALFA). He presented the wishes from Aberdeenshire on behalf of the forum:
- We require parity of access for adult learning groups across Scotland (to suitable learning spaces).
- We need a national implementation plan to support the current adult learning strategy.
- We need a new national awareness campaign to promote the benefits of adult learning.
- We need recognition for adult learning as a route for social prescribing for health and wellbeing.
- We support the idea of an adult learning bill.
Ed participated in the discussions around themes familiar to ALFA, such as access to learning spaces, promoting awareness and proper resourcing, these wishes were noted by the MSP's present.
The idea for a Scottish adult learning bill was also highlighted during the event. Although this process can take years, this is an area of interest for ALFA. So, as a representative group of adult learners, ALFA will monitor this area of interest and keep these discussions at the forefront of their meetings.
Ed said “It was great to see adult learners from across Scotland having the chance to talk directly with MSPs”
July 2023 Our Summer Social
Share July 2023 Our Summer Social on Facebook Share July 2023 Our Summer Social on Twitter Share July 2023 Our Summer Social on Linkedin Email July 2023 Our Summer Social link23 Nov 2023On a beautiful day, the 19th of July 2023, the Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire (ALFA) group organised a summer social. They met and got to know each other better and identify some of the priority issues in Adult Learning. Over a lovely lunch of sandwiches and homemade Madagascar vegetable pakora contributed by one of our ALFA members, the group agreed to examine some topics identified at the Celebration of Learning event in March in more detail.
ALFA digital discussions on adult learning priority issues
At the Summer social the group highlighted several things they wanted to explore further together in relation to adult learning needs, promotion, learning spaces (online and offline),etc.
How did you find out about these adult learning opportunities?
- Online - I knew the course I wanted to do so looked for a local provider - found that online eventually - time consuming and digital navigations skills.
- Through CLD Email Drops
- From family / Youth work
- leaflets at local shows with some information
- I found out about CLD thorough Aberdeenshire's Mental Health Improvement and Wellbeing Service (MHIWS), and I found Confidence to Cook through Ed while I was learning with him over CLD. I also learned about Power Tools course through Aberdeenshire's Employability service
- need to know what you want online
- CLD Facebook
- Learned about MIB at craft fare
- I found Business Gateway through online research but need to be computer savvy
- Know about Social Media Platforms but don't want to use is as much as many do to share etc. Too many platforms, hard to know which one when - changes with trends etc.
What makes a good online learning space ?
- Options
- Hybrid / Blended learning
- 1:1/small/large groups
- Flexibility
- local/national/global participation
- removes the barriers of childcare and travel to access learning
What does not make a good online learning space?
- Poor connectivity Communication Accessibility (Zoom/ Microsoft Teams /Google Meet)
- Poor facilitation
- Lack of participant engagement
- Cliques
- Exclusion
- Some people find it easier to concentrate on learning when they are in a physical space away from their home
What are your learning needs?
- Personal Development
- Social Media Learning
- Parenting Skills
- Core Skills (Literacy / Numeracy / ICT / Working with Others / Problem Solving)
- SQA Accreditation
- Family Learning
What adult learning experiences have you engaged in, in your community and elsewhere?
- Workshops
- Wellbeing festival
- Crafting and creativity
- Confidence to Cook
- Steps Course
- Cake Decorating
- Welding
- Ceramics
- Pottery
How did you find out about these Adult Learning opportunities?
- Online
- Social Media platforms
- CLD Email Drops
- Leaflets at local shows with some information
- Aberdeenshire’s Mental Health Improvement and Wellbeing Service (MHIWS)
- Aberdeenshire’s Employability Service
- CLD Facebook page
Our Supporting CLD Staff
ALFA members thanked Simone Sinclair who has supported the group from its establishment in 2021 with a bouquet of flowers at the Learners’ Celebration event and welcomed Clare Taylor-Brown and Natalie Cooper as their new CLD support team.
If you would like to find out more about ALFA or would like to meet the group to discuss adult learning matters, please contact: link) or telephone: 01467 536968 link) or telephone: 01467 539310
Signup Banner
ALFA was formed at a Celebration of Learning Event in September 2021
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stage -
ALFA supported and contributed to Adult Learning Events in May and August 2022
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stage -
ALFA engaged and conducted research with adult learners to identify common issues and concerns in March 2023
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stageThis was carried out online and at the Celebration of Learners Event, co-designed and led by ALFA, in March 2023
ALFA recruited new members and organised a summer social in June 2023
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stage -
In November 2023, ALFA published their new engagement space online.
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stage -
ALFA have been working with CLD staff to develop a strategy for widening representation and increasing participation in learner voice activities and platforms.
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire has finished this stageALFA facilitated online sessions on learner voice and the benefits of joining local learner forums.
Adult Learning Consultation
Adult Learners' Forum for Aberdeenshire is currently at this stageSurvey of learners in Aberdeenshire closed 30th June 2024. Findings collated and reports now published.
Who's Listening
Phone 07557 171 907 Email (External link)
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Adult Learning Survey Reports
Adult Learning Survey Reports
- Adult Learning Survey Shirewide Report (164 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Banff and Buchan Report (149 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Buchan Report (156 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Formartine Report (156 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Garioch Report (152 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Kincardine and Mearns Report (153 KB) (pdf)
- Adult Learning Survey Marr Report (154 KB) (pdf)