Grampian Financial Harm Strategy
Financial Harm is one of the most prevalent types of harm perpetrated against vulnerable adults – and across members of the wider community – and can occur under many guises.
Our aim is to achieve an effective & coordinated approach to preventing & responding to Financial Harm & minimising its impact, especially in relation to vulnerable adults, across Grampian. Action relating to this aim will be led by the Grampian Financial Harm Sub Group of the APCs. Core members of the Financial Harm Sub Group are:
• Aberdeen City Council (Adult Protection Social Work & Trading Standards); • Aberdeenshire Council (Adult Protection Network & Trading Standards); • Moray Council (Adult Protection Network & Trading Standards); • NHS Grampian; and • Police Scotland (Partnerships and Interventions & Crime Reductions Unit
The Grampian Financial Harm Group welcomes the publication of the Grampian Financial Harm Strategy. The Strategy and Financial Harm Group recognises the need to tackle Financial Harm and it's impact, which can be devastating.