Are the Chair and Board Members paid roles?

    No. The roles are all voluntary.

    What is the time commitment?

    The minimum frequency of Board meetings throughout the programme is quarterly.  

    We expect the time commitment to be higher in the early months after the Board is formed. Aberdeenshire Council is contacting other Towns in the programme including those that have already formed their Boards and will gather information on how much time commitment has been required from Board Members and Chairs.  

    Does the Peterhead Town Board have a constitution?

    The Board should consider its governance arrangements as it forms. The UK Government’s guidance states that the Town Board should publish membership and governance arrangements (including minutes of meetings and decision logs) on the lead council’s website. The Town Board’s governance arrangements are likely to be set out in a detailed Terms of Reference document.  


    The guidance also requires all Town Board members to sign up to a code of conduct based on the Seven Principles of Public Life (the Nolan Principles). There should also be clear processes for managing conflicts of interests (both commercial, actual, and potential) in decision making, which apply to all involved with the work of the Town Board.  

    Are Board members and Chair expected to serve for the whole ten-year programme?

    There is no firm guidance on the terms that the Board and Chair can or should serve. Terms for Board Members and Chair, once agreed, will be included in the Board’s Terms of Reference. 

    What is the role of Aberdeenshire Council? 

    Aberdeenshire Council has been asked to formally appoint the Chair of the Town Board. Two Councillors are also expected to serve on the Board but cannot act as Chair.  

    Aberdeenshire Council is also expected to provide guidance on processes for making Declarations of Interest.  

    What support will the Board have to undertake its work?

    Aberdeenshire Council will provide some support in the first instance, at the request of the UK Government Department of Levelling Up and Communities. This will be focussed on appointing the Chair and assisting the Chair with the appointment of the Board.  

    The programme funding includes a set amount to support the establishment of the Board and its early stages, particularly the preparation if its Long-term Vision and first three-year Investment Plan 

    The Board will also need to consider what support it might need long-term and to look at how this is best achieved through the programme 

    Why has the timescale been so short?

     The UK Government has set an ambitious timescale for all the newly added Towns. This means that the Chair should be in place by the start of June with the Board meeting for the first time in June To allow Buchan Area Committee to appoint the Chair as part of a formal, publicly accessible Area Committee meeting, the deadline of 16th May for Chair nominations was set.