Young Carers
This page is where we host all engagement and consultation for services and support for young carers in Aberdeenshire.
A carer is generally defined as an individual who provides, or intends to provide, care for another individual. A young carer is under the age of 18 years old, or 18 if still at school.
Under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, which was implemented on 1st April 2018, there are requirements for local authorities and health and social care partnerships to provide Local Carer Strategies for carers in their area. There is also a requirement to develop Local Eligibility Criteria for carers.
The Young Carer Strategy, Local Eligibility Criteria for Young Carers and further information regarding support for unpaid carers in Aberdeenshire can be viewed from this page through the Documents and Important Links sections to the right.
Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy 2025 to 2030
Aberdeenshire Council has now updated its Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy, which is our plan of what we have been doing and what we plan to do to support young carers over the next five years.
Aberdeenshire Council asked young carers and people who support them, to give their views on how we support young carers to sustain their caring role and have a meaningful life alongside caring.
We have used this feedback to help shape the updated Young Carer Strategy and Action Plan. The Aberdeenshire Young Carer Strategy 2025 to 2030 can be accessed at Local carer strategies - Aberdeenshire Council
For more information on recent engagement see Young Carers | We Asked, You Said, We Will | Engage Aberdeenshire.